Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Brain Dead, Brain Dead

I guess I just cannot write before 1am.
I was just on my old Myspace account, and was looking through my blogs through highschool, and each and every single one was after 12.
A time where we all should have been last minute cramming, power napping, or hurrying through plagiarising assignments off wikipedia, I was indeed up burning my eyes to the brightly lit computer screen typing up everything I could.

I feel fucking stupid writing, this all doesn't make sense coming out of my fingers

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Trust pt.1

We put way too much trust in everything. From our cars, to our technology, to our futures, to waking up, to the people around us.
We trust that it'll do what we expect, and we expect so much. More and more the years go on, the times change, we expect more. More for our dollar, more for our efforts.
And justified it is, but it shouldn't be this way.

Society, the media, make us demand more. Make each person feel, I guess, that they are a superior and should be getting what is right for them because they, they are a human being.

I'll finish this later, there's no-one here regardless.

I don't know why

But i guess i had to start one
